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UFO PHOTO ARCHIVES was established in
1964 when retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Wendelle C. Stevens began to
make available his personal collection of UFO photographs and the
substantial UFO case reports with which the photos were
In 1979 UFO PHOTO ARCHIVES published its first UFO
book, "UFO Contact From The Pleiades," a coffee-table pictorial filled
with the most amazing collection of UFO photos taken by a single
individual, Eduard "Billy" Meier, a humble, one-armed farmer living in a
remote Swiss village. "UFO Contact From The Pleiades" was a worthy hit,
and was followed by many book-length UFO case reports in the UFO PHOTO
ARCHIVES Contact series, and several book-length case reports in the
UFO PHOTO ARCHIVES Abduction series.
In 1980, Stevens began
the preparation of an all-comprehensive series titled "UFO Photographs
Around the World." Volumes 1 and 2 are published in bound volumes, and
volumes 3 and 4 were recently finished as electronic books
UFO PHOTO ARCHIVES has recently undertaken the
publication of many electronic books (E-Books) in mini-CD format, a format
that allows Stevens to publish lengthy books filled with photos,
illustrations, charts and schematics on a single mini-CD.
ongoing mission of Wendelle C. Stevens and UFO PHOTO ARCHIVES is to make
accessible to the public the voluminous evidence available regarding
extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional beings and their craft which
continue to interact with Earth humanity and other lifeforms on our